Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Baby Leg Warmers

If your baby is anything like mine, (skinny waist and chubby bum and legs) then you understand how difficult it is to find pants that fit. Solution: baby leg warmers! 
They're wonderful for many reasons:
1.) One less thing to worry about during diaper changes
2.) Diaper leaks rarely affect them
3.) They keep those cute, chubby little legs from carpet burn
4.) They're too stinkin' cute!

Seriously, how cute is that?

Now, you could buy these for up to $16 a pair! Personally, I have a hard time spending that much on what is essentially a pair of socks. My fiancee on the other hand loves those Nike Elite socks, but I digress... 

So, I thought "I could totally make those!" and Mae and I made our way to Target in search of socks. Target usually has pretty decent prices on women's knee-high socks, but I've recently found Walmart has better prices. I ended up making 8 pairs for just under $10.

What you need:
1. Knee high socks
2. Scissors
3. Needle
4. Matching thread
5. Roughly 20 minutes/pair  

First, cut the foot off, then cut the middle part of the foot out (this will be the cuff.)

Fold the foot piece in to form the cuff.

 This part may get a bit confusing: Now, put the tube in the cuff, open ends facing down. Make sure you put right sides together(will tell you my mishap at the end.) 

As you can see I didn't line them up very well so each is different at the bottom.

Then sew the tube and cuff together! Be sure to always sew through THREE layers otherwise you will end up with holes in the seam.

My mishap:
Let me start off by saying this was not the first time I've made these; when I was sewing a pair for some reason my head tried telling me to turn the tube inside out before sewing. Do NOT do this, you'll end up with the seam on the outside. It's not near as cute. 

I hope this is helpful!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Remember when...

Remember when you were young and someone would ask what you wanted to be when you grew up? Well, I always dreamed of being a stay-at-home mom/wife. Little did I know that I would be terrible at it! Not really, just kinda (for lack of a better word) lazy. I see all these pins and posts of moms with a perfectly spotless house, happy family, made from scratch dinners on the table every.single.night, and here I am lucky to go to the bathroom by myself for 0.2 seconds before the kid realizes I'm gone.
See this? This is the face of ornery, all I wanted were a few cute pics for her 6 month pictures.

Really though, we all know that life isn't always cookie cutter; things rarely go as planned. But, I can tell you one thing, I have a blast flying by the seat of my pants! I planned to get a degree, get married, then have children. Only one of those things has happened so far, but I'd have it no other way. Because this teeny, tiny, little human has changed my life in more ways than imaginable.

If you understand that life isn't always perfect, you're not-so-crafty like me, please stick around and laugh with (or at) me as I make this journey through domestic goddess(ness).

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